San Francisco International Airport City and County of San Francisco 2011

"Welcome North, Welcome South, Welcome East, Welcome West”

Polyurethane on aluminum, Level One, Terminal Two, Photo Bruce Damonte

1983 “The Welcome Wall" original setting, commissioned as a greeting for arriving passengers on international flights, Photo Gary Sinick


Stockton CA

“Promenade” 2009 Stainless steel in concrete. Three mile long water's edge promenade

“Who Ordered These Fish?” 2003, 450 Brass and glass inlays in 7 city blocks of cement sidewalks.


The Coca-Cola Company, Corporate Headquarters, Atlanta GA

"The Secret Ingredient"1986 Polyurethane on aluminum, sandblasted black granite, 90’x12’

Community Based Problem Solving / Collaboration with Children

Stockton, CA . “My Time” 2007

Van Buskirk Community Center; interactive handicapped-accessible sundial /plaza design. Brass and sandblasted text with images generated in artist-driven workshops with the children of the community, 90'x 90’ 

“Let the Four Winds Blow, I Will Always Find My Way - Home”

Other Collaborations with Children

Fairbanks Alaska, Ladd Elementary School, "Hey Buddy - Seen Any Moose? 1997

Fairbanks Alaska, Ladd Elementary School, "Hey Buddy - Seen Any Moose? 1997


Albany CA, Albany Public Library, "A Few of My Favorite Things" 1994

Sunnyvale CA, Washington Park “Fantasy Island” stainless steel in cement sidewalks 1998


City of Tacoma WA, Stanley Elementary School, “Look What I Found" 1989


Fairbanks Alaska, Ladd Elementary School, "Hey Buddy - Seen Any Moose? 1997